5 woman Education

woman Education

Education give to Women is known as Women education. The country population is consisted of both male and female. Mam can get education easily or to attend school for their bright future. A nation is said to be a developed one only if both the population of country i.e. male and women are given appropriate education.

Half of the population of a nation Will be uneducated if Women are not given chance to read and write. Females are considered inferior to males. Parent do not send their daughters to school. Even if they are send to school for few years, they have lever the higher education as they are married off. Because of ignorance, people think that women are just to produce child, look after them and their homes. For such reasons, they are not sent for higher educations. Nowadays, this idea is in gradual change. Importance of women education has been realized and number of girls are increasing in education institutions.

Man and Woman are considered as the two Wheels of A coin without one the other cannot exist. In a family , if only if man is educated and her Wife is uneducated, the man cannot progress his life His progress is possible only When her Wife Will attend education woman are the great asset to a home, community, society and a whole nation. Education the light of knowledge brings a vast difference in the living style of people. The education gained by male is living limited only upon him but the education of woman is not only for her it will be benefited for her children and her whole family A education woman can go hand in hand with her husband to solve every challenges appear in from of them. She can support her husband by lessening the financial burden of the family as she too can engage in earning. So the importance of woman education is necessary for the upliftment of her family as well as nation…
Nowadays, we can see girls involving in different fields of education like engineering, government offices and even in military training. They should be given a freedom to choose the subject of their choices. They can do better and achieve good results in their field then the man.
In the remote Part of Nepal, people do not realize the importance and necessity of women education till today importance and necessity of women education till today. They are limited only in their household work and after marriage to look after their child and family it is very necessary to look after their child and family it is very necessary to aware the remote population to send their female child for education Many scholarship schemes are to be given in this area to encourage Women.

In conclusion, imparting the education to the women can be the milestone for the development of a nation Education woman can be the social reformed and change the appearance of society An educated woman can be the important source to maintain household healthier happier..