The United Nations Organization of World II TO Serve as an international
organization for the maintenance of international Peace and Security . it is
also established for international Co-operation for in the solution of
economic, social cultural and humanitarian Problems. Thus its aims and ideas
are Practically the same as of the SAARC.
The UNO was established in the year 1945 With sixty nations as its members.
it has been taken as the parliament of the world it council mainly of the
General Assembly, the Security the Economic and social council, the
International court of justice etc.. it has secretarial headed by the secretary
The main duties of General Assembly are to discuss the general World
situation the peace of World and to
submit recommendations to the Security Council. The Security council consists
of five Permanent members and six non-permanent members. Britain, France, USA,
Russia and China are five Permanent members While the non-permanent members are
elected on Vote basis. Its function is to investigate international disputes
and take action against aggressors and to establish atomic control. The function
of economic and social council is to co-ordinate the work of the affiliated
organization, to eliminate the economic caused of war and to raise the world’s
standard of living. The international court of justice consists of judges Chos the
assembly. It has right to decide disputes between a nation and another as are
justifiable. As a whole, the aims of uno can be summarized as follows.
Ø To maintain international peace and security
Ø To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for equal
right and self –determination of people
Ø To promote co-operation among nations in economic, social, cultural and
humanitarian field and Promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedom
of all
The uno has been
becoming an effective organization because of its influence on collective
opinions on member nations. It has also been serving as the agent of world
peace. For example, in the context of Nepal, the UNMIN has been working for the
establishment of peace. It has been working under the guidance of security
To sum up, uno has
been serving as the guardian of peace, security and freedom of nations. It has
also working to promote economic growth improve the quality of life and to
eradicate poverty. Thus, it has been working to solve the economic social,
cultural and humanitarian problems…